Girls Competitive Team

Once a child has accomplished certain skills, we extend an offer, to the parents of that child, to become involved in Metro’s Competitive Team. Metro Gymnastics has instructed numerous sectional, state and Regional champions. Our philosophy for the competitive team is that each gymnast receives the finest instruction, while assisting the child’s development of character qualities such as self-confidence, determination, dedication, discipline and a positive self-image. Therefore, we work very hard each day to maintain this goal. If you or your child is interested in our competitive gymnastics team, please ask. We will answer any questions you or your child might have.

Level 2
2 days/week  1 1/2 hours each lesson

Level 3
2 days/week  2 1/2 hours each lesson

Level 4
4 days/week 2 1/2 hours each lesson

4 days/week 2 1/2 hours each lesson

Contact Us

Thank you for voting us 9 years in a row Best Gymnastics Facility, Birthday Party Venue and Best Summer Day Camp!

Need more information?Please complete this form & we'll contact you soon.


Recreational Gym: Metro West
 (405) 848-5308

Team Facility: Metro East  

Metro Aerial: Metro East



7420 Broadway Ext
Oklahoma City, OK 73116

Map/Driving Instructions
